This 1 hour course is an introduction to the 5 Pillars of Kneipp Therapy, intended for interested holistic and integrative practitioners, as well as the general public. It is recommended that you take this course before moving onto other Kneipp webinars or courses. It is provided free throughout the COVID-19 era.

Hi, I’m Nancy Welliver ND

Thanks for checking out our on-line classes. I have an eclectic mix of experience in natural health and natural living that I want to share with youI've worked in natural food co-ops, done political action in defense of the natural world, been trained at Bastyr University as a naturopathic physician, began studying herbs, homeopathy and organic gardening in the 1970's, have taught medical history and philosophy, botanical medicine, nutrition, hydrotherapy and clinical sciences to all levels, from the lay public to physicians. I also have run a naturopathic clinical practice, seeing patients since 1993. I am exceedingly practical and down to earth, so my classes are always immediately useful to the student.. My goal, quite frankly, is that the student "get a lot of bang for the buck!"

This Course is Free For Now